
The Story of the Donbass Cowboy, Russell "Texas" Bentley: Part I

In light of reports that he was allegedly killed by Russian Federation troops in the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic, Part I of this series highlights the story of Russell "Texas" Bentley.

There are many in this world who speak lofty words about their values, yet fewer who attempt to live by them. One of the latter was Russel “Texas” Bentley—the communist cowboy from the United States who left his own homeland to eliminate the Western-backed, neo-fascist threat to humanity that developed in Ukraine after the Maidan coup in 2014. Arriving to the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic in December of that year, he was in the communist Essence of Time combat unit of the Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF)1. From January to June 2015, he served at the Donetsk airport and Spartak as a rifleman and RPG gunner2. After his time in combat, he continued the struggle against the West’s widespread pro-fascist propaganda as an information warrior3.

Some Essence of Time communist militia members from left to right: Spartak, Archangel, (Italy) Texas, (USA) Alfonzo (Spain) and Orion (Russia)

Not everyone has the means or the courage to do what Texas did, but many of us do have the means to become information warriors within the parameters of the law so that people can have the knowledge they need to make better decisions—an indispensable duty for countering the lies coming from the tyrants of our time. Those who live in the West are commonly being given the impression by their governments that the one in Ukraine has been acting defensively against “Russian aggression” which in turn supposedly justifies the use of their people’s taxpayer money to prolong the war by sending weapons to the regime in Kiev. They are also expected to believe that Ukraine can defeat Russia with their support at the same time they are expected to believe that the whole of Europe is at risk of becoming Russian colonies. Obviously, both of these lines of reasoning can’t both be true as is the case with the rest of the Western propaganda being disseminated in this post-truth era.

Texas guarding a checkpoint.

In a time of mass censorship where the truth is being steadily replaced by my truth, acknowledging and living in the truth—regardless of how uncomfortable it may be—is what Texas’ life was all about. Having perished in the name of journalism and liberation, his contribution to the international proletariat’s struggle against the capitalists and their savage proxies will not be forgotten. If he was able to forgo the comforts of an empire that he once lived in to help stop the fascist agenda that is once again being spawned by the Western countries, then the true friends of free humanity can step up to do more even if their contribution is less dangerous. Rest in peace comrade, your spirit of solidarity lives on. Those Nazi scum that you were fighting are going to lose.



Russel Bentely, “My First Battle, Troishka, New Year’s Day 2015,” Russel “Texas” Bentley, February 28, 2016, http://www.russelltexasbentley.com/search/label/articles.


Bentely, “My Fist Battle”.


Bentely, “My Fist Battle”.